“Civil Society Organizations in Waste Management Field to Improve Their Capacity” Training has completed

“Civil Society Organizations in Waste Management Field to Improve Their Capacity” Training has completed

EcoDevshilt team has traveled to Bulgan province on the 15, 16 of March to participate on the “Civil Society Organizations in the waste management field to improve their capacity” training that has been organized by Caritas Czech Republic in Mongolia NGO, with other project personals who are engaged on the waste management projects.

Caritas Czech Republic in Mongolia NGO has been implementing “Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Mongolia” project that is funded by the European Union and EU-Switch Asia program since 2020. The SPRIM project aims to contribute to economic prosperity and poverty reduction and support the development of a green economy and transition towards a low-cardon, resource-efficient and circular economy in Mongolia. It is implemented by Cartias along with 4 project partners: Environment and Security Center of Mongolia, EcoSoum, Mongolian Sustainable Development Bridge and T.G.Masaryk Water Research Institute.

As part of the training, we traveled to Khishig-Undur soum of Bulgan province to meet with the EcoSoum  founders and to see the interventions of the project. Ecosoum is a Mongolian Association for transition and local resilience based on ecological solidarity values that aims to empower its inhabitants so they can make their soum a model of autonomous and sustainable community that can inspire the whole country. As part of their project aim, Ecosoum organize trainings for locals on waste management, creating waste management manuals, research on real time waste collection, building proper waste management facility by aiming at zero ultimate waste on the scale of the soum.

EcoDevshilt is closely working with other Waste management projects and sharing the best practice with each other in order to successfully implement proper Waste management system in Mongolia.